
 Two girls and two boys.
 Xardi Ilat Angel
 moved to Latvia.
 Xavier Ilat Angel
 moved to Latvia.
 Xenija Ilat Angel
 stayed in the cattery :-)
 Xarleta Ilat Angel
 moved to Latvia.
 Two girls and three boys.
 Want Roksi Ilat Angel
 moved to Latvia.
 Wendi Ilat Angel
 moved to China.
 Wikki Ilat Angel
 moved to Latvia.
 Wilson Magregan Ilat Angel
 moved to Estonia.
 Winni Fred Ilat Angel
 moved to Latvia.
Litter-V:one girl and two boys.
 Vednesday Ilat Angel
(DRX n)-female
 moved to Riga.
Verners Ilat Angel
(DRX d 21)-male
 moved to Little.
 Velmors Ilat Angel
(DRX d 21)-male
 moved to Riga.
Litter-U:two girls and two boys.
 Ursan Ilat Angel
(DRX n)-male
 moved to Estonija.
U-Dzessi Ilat Angel
(DRX b 33)-female
 moved to Riga.
 Urrik Ilat Angel
(DRX a)-male
 moved to Riga .
Ulana Ilat Angel
(DRX a)-female
 stayed in the cattery :-)
Litter-S:one girl and three boys.
Safiya Ilat Angel
(DRX n)-female
 moved to Estonia.
Sergo Ilat Angel
(DRX a)-male
moved to Ireland.
Sanny Ilat Angel
(DRX n 32)-male
moved to Ireland.
Sanny Ilat Angel
(DRX n 32)-male and
Sanny-moved to Ireland.

Senja Ilat Angels
(DRX n 32)-male
Senja-moved to Finland.

Designed by SvetlanaJa